Gas stations in SLT has been certified Pasti Pas, which can be ascertained dose or the services already meet good standards. Our gas stations are always in the audit closely by Pertamina, so we are always encouraged to provide the best service to our customers.
We have a complete service for your vehicle. Not only to fill the fuel only, but you can check your vehicle in SLT Auto Boutique, once you take care of your vehicle and use Automatic Carwash with your family can relax in our restaurant and cafe that serves a variety of cuisines.
Our entire fuel, an environmentally friendly fuel which is our moral responsibility to care for generations to come.
SLT 1 - Tanah Abang
Tanah Abang 2 - Jakarta
+62 21 3504 888
SLT 2 - Pancoran
Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu - Pancoran
+62 21 7990 888